Please fill out completely and submit for each day worked.
Guidelines for Breaks:
Since working programs often doesn’t allow for fully off-duty break times for lunches or meals, we pay extra (on top of your continuous, logged, working hours) for on-duty mealtimes and breaks. Please add this time to each day’s total hours worked for continuous worked hours at a program:
For continuous time worked less than 3.5 hours add nothing
For 3.5 to 5 hours add 10 minutes
For 5 hours to under 8hrs add 10 minutes for a break and 30 minutes for a meal: total 40 minutes
For 8 hours add 20 minutes for 2 breaks and 30 minutes for a meal: total 50 minutes
Note: These are for continuous hours only. So if you work a 3 hour program, go home and do some prep or other Vilda tasks later you can not add any extra break time.